敖兴仍遭跳票 设计师透露下个英雄会是个上单

LOL出装来源: http://lol.replays.net/ 编辑: 若莹


About Next Champion

First and foremost, Meddler confirmed that our next champion is a TOP LANER!
"Next champ's a top laner. Balancing a lane or the meta's not something we try to do with a single release though, the roster's too big and the game too complex for that to be a viable approach."

Ao Shin敖兴


Ao Shin, a storm dragon champion originally previewed late last year, also came up but Meddler only reiterated that he is still a ways out:

"Not for a long time. We do still plan to make Ao Shin, but we ran into a number of issues with how we were approaching him. As a result we basically took his concept back to the really early stages - would rather go for slow, but good, than quick but disappointing."





